E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Fire Safety Analysis Onboard Passenger Ships by using Fire Dynamics Simulations: Case Study of a Turkish Domestic Passenger Ship [JEMS Maritime Sci]
JEMS Maritime Sci. 2024; 12(2): 224-236 | DOI: 10.4274/jems.2024.56514

Fire Safety Analysis Onboard Passenger Ships by using Fire Dynamics Simulations: Case Study of a Turkish Domestic Passenger Ship

Tolga Aycı1, Barış Barlas1, Aykut Ölçer2
1İstanbul Technical University Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, İstanbul, Türkiye
2World Maritime University, Department of Maritime Energy Management, Malmö, Sweden

Fire hazards onboard are a significant cause of accidents, leading to loss of life and property. According to the Global Integrated Shipping Information System database, 6.82 out of every 1000 passenger/Ro-Ro/Ferry ships have reported fire casualties within the category of “serious to very serious”, a rate higher than that of other ship types. This study analyzes fire safety on passenger ships through fire dynamics simulations. A Turkish domestic passenger ferry with a capacity of 600 passengers was selected as the case study. The model analyzed fire extinguishing and structural fire protection systems under five scenarios. The heat release rate, total energy, and temperature parameters were also scrutinized. In addition to fire extinguishing systems like sprinklers, structural fire protection systems such as fire-rated bulkheads and decks significantly impact fire safety on passenger ships. During maintenance and operation processes, these components should undergo regular inspections by the crew and technical teams. The key findings of this study are that temperatures in the engine room increase extremely to around 500 °C in the early stages and application of neither structural nor active (extinguishing etc.) fire protection systems together led to fatal consequences onboard passenger ships.

Keywords: Passenger ships, Fire safety, Fire dynamics simulation, Field modeling

Corresponding Author: Tolga Aycı, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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