E-ISSN: 2148-9386

Aims & Scope

Aims & Scope

Journal of Eta Maritime Science (JEMS) is an open access, scientific, peer-reviewed journal in accordance with independent, unbiased, and double-blinded peer-review principles of the Chamber of Marine Engineers. It is a double peer-reviewed journal published quarterly in March, June, September, and December electronically. The publication language of the journal is English since 2020.

Journal of Eta Maritime Science (JEMS) aims to encourage and publish research studies about the challenges and opportunities associated with considerable numbers of understandings in the maritime sector. Besides, JEMS also aims to reach out to relevant audiences by publishing the latest scientific and technological developments. JEMS journal, which is published periodically and regularly in March, June, September, December, may also publish special issues related to the selected topics.

Scope of the journal covers national, international and local studies regarding Marine Engineering, Marine Transportation Engineering, Naval Architecture Engineering, Marine Operations, Logistics, Logistics Engineering, Maritime History, Coastal Engineering, Marine Pollution and Environment, Fishing and Fisheries Technology, Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering.

The editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and conforms with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (doaj.org/bestpractice).

JEMS is currently indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Tubitak Ulakbim Science Database, DOAJ, Transport Research International Documentation (TRID), EBSCO, J-Gate, Scopus and CNKI.

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal of Eta Maritime Science (JEMS)’s Open Access Policy is based on the rules of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). By “open access” to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

The Journal of Eta Maritime Science does not demand any subscription fee, publication fee or similar payment for access to electronic resources.
Creative Commons
A Creative Commons license is a public copyright license that provides free distribution of copyrighted works or studies. Authors use the CC license to transfer the right to use, share or modify their work to third parties. This journal is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits third parties to copy, distribute, or reuse the content for non-commercial purposes by giving the appropriate credit to the author and original work.

Advertisement Policy

  1. All advertisements depend on the approval of the Publisher or Editor.
  2. Scientific content and decisions made by the editorial board have not been affected by advertising.
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  4. Sales and marketing of the products within the accepted advertising are unfeasible.
  5. The editor or publisher of the journal is not responsible for the advertisement and its content. This responsibility entirely belongs to the owner of advertising.
  6. Accepted advertisements can be placed on any page approved by the editor or publisher.
  7. Advertising is done according to the contract between the advertising company and journal management.
  8. Advertising content has not included any distinction of language, religion, race, gender, age, disability, etc.
  9. Advertising that is contrary to society and publication ethics must not be published.
  10. Advertising produced according to national rules and fulfilling their obligations, such as licenses, are accepted for publishing.
  11. Advertisements must be prepared in accordance with competition laws and other relevant regulations.
  12. Journal management shall not be liable for pecuniary loss due to errors in the advertising content.

Material Disclaimer
Statements or opinions stated in articles published in the journal do not reflect the views of the editors, editorial board and/or publisher; The editors, editorial board and publisher do not accept any responsibility or liability for such materials. All opinions published in the journal belong to the authors.

Permission Requests
Permission required for use any published under CC BY-NC license with commercial purposes (selling, etc.) to protect copyright owner and author rights). Republication and reproduction of images or tables in any published material should be done with proper citation of source providing author(s) name; article title; journal title; year (volume) and page of publication; copyright year of the article.

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Publisher: Galenos
Address:  Molla Gürani Mah. Kaçamak Sok. 21/1 Fındıkzade, Fatih, Istanbul, Türkiye
Phone:  +90 212 621 99 27
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