1. | Examination of Failures in the Marine Fuel and Lube Oil Separators through the Fuzzy DEMATEL Method Sercan Ayvaz, Asim Sinan Karakurt Page 0 |
2. | Experimental and Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Efficiency of Permeable Caissons barriers Karim Badr Hussein, Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed, samah Hassan mahmoud Page 0 |
3. | Exploring the Role of Mission and Vision Statements in Maritime Transport: A Focus on Liner Shipping Companies Gökçe Tuğdemir Kök, Taha Talip Türkistanlı doi: 10.4274/jems.2025.84429 Page 0 |
4. | Ship Bunkering Operations Risk Assessment using Rule-Based Fuzzy Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FFMEA) Bulut Ozan Ceylan Page 0 |