E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Risk Factors for Shipping Operations [JEMS Maritime Sci]
JEMS Maritime Sci. 2020; 8(2): 86-97 | DOI: 10.5505/jems.2020.63308

Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Risk Factors for Shipping Operations

Serap Göksu, Özcan Arslan
Istanbul Technical University, Department Of Maritime Transportation And Management Engineering

Risk assessment activities on maritime transportation are mostly done through fixed risk assessment forms. However, during maritime operations many different dynamic factors such as visibility, the time period during which the operation is carried out, weather, current speed, tidal status, traffic density, etc. can increase these risks. These dynamic risks are not included in the existing risk assessment forms.
In this study, the dynamic factors that increase the risks in ship operations were determined, and to what extent the variables in the operation quantitatively increased various risks was examined through the survey study conducted. Risk coefficients were collected through a survey study, as a data collection tool, conducted on seafarer who participated in ship operations. Consequently, the type of risk assessment to be performed in accordance with the dynamics was evaluated by adding dynamic risks to the possible static risks in cargo operations.

Keywords: Maritime Safety, Ship Operation, Risk, Dynamic Risk Assessment.

Corresponding Author: Serap Göksu, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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