E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Decision Support Systems: Usage And Applications In Logistics Services [JEMS Maritime Sci]
JEMS Maritime Sci. 2014; 2(1): 75-80

Decision Support Systems: Usage And Applications In Logistics Services

Eyüp Akçetin1, Nilüfer Yurtay2, Yüksel Yurtay2, Emin Öztürk1, Alper Kılıç1
1Department of Maritime Business Administration, Maritime Faculty, Balikesir University, Balikesir/Turkey
2Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Sakarya University, Sakarya/Turkey

Competitive advantage in logistics operations is possible by analyzing data to create
information and turning that information into decision. Supply chain optimization
depends on effective management of chain knowledge. Analyzing data from supply
chain and making a decision creates complex operations. Therefore, these operations
require benefitting from information technology. In today’s global world, businesses
use outsourcing for logistics services to focus on their own field, so are seeking to
achieve competitive advantage against competitors. Outsourcing requires sharing of
various information and data with companies that provide logistical support. Effective
strategies are based on well-analyzed the data and information. Best options for right
decisions can be created only from good analysis. That’s why companies that supply
logistics services achieve competitive advantage using decision support systems (DSS)
in industrial competition. In short, DSS has become driving force for every business in
today’s knowledge-based economy.

Keywords: Decision support systems, logistics information system, supply chain management, optimization, global competition

Corresponding Author: Eyüp Akçetin, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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