E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Journal of ETA Maritime Science - JEMS Maritime Sci: 5 (3)
Volume: 5  Issue: 3 - 2017
1. Editorial
Selçuk Nas
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.97659  Pages 218 - 219
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 2017)

Pages 218 - 311
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Thermodynamic Properties of Unburned Reactant Mixtures for Different Kind of Fuels
Hasan Kayhan Kayadelen
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.26918  Pages 220 - 232

4. Analysis of the Effects of Welding Parameters on CO2 Gas Emission in Gas Metal Arc Welding of AH-36 Shipbuilding Steel with Metal Cored Wire
Tolga Mert
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.74046  Pages 234 - 241

5. The impact of Perceived Service Quality on Satisfaction: An Application on Marina Customers in Turkey
Görkem Dikeç, Ali Cemal Töz
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.16878  Pages 242 - 257

6. Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Flexibility and Surface Properties on Slamming Loads in Water Entry of Cylinders and Spheres
Fatih Cüneyt Korkmaz, Bülent Güzel
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.72692  Pages 258 - 270

7. A Numerical Analysis of Exhaust Smoke Dispersion for a Generic Frigate
Erinç Dobrucalı, Selma Ergin
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.13007  Pages 272 - 289

8. Determination of critical sediment accumulation zones in a ballast tank model
Ceren Bilgin Güney, Devrim Bülent Danışman, Şafak Nur Ertürk Bozkurtoğlu, Fatma Yonsel
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.85570  Pages 290 - 299

9. Designing Intake Manifold of an Internal Combustion Engine Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Tolga Demircan, Zahir Emre Polat, Hasan Tahir Polat
doi: 10.5505/jems.2017.73745  Pages 300 - 310

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