1. | Editorial Selçuk Nas doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.00710 Pages 189 - 190 Abstract | |
2. | Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 2016) Pages 189 - 267 Abstract | |
3. | New Service Development Process in Intermodal Transport: The Case of Turkey Cemile Solak Fışkın, Ersin Fırat Akgül, Durmuş Ali Deveci doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.80299 Pages 191 - 204 Objective: Intermodal transportation, which combines the advantages of each transport mode and increases the overall efficiency of transport, has been promoted worldwide as well as in Turkey since it is considered as economic, social and environmental friendly transportation service. Increasing interest on intermodal transport both by the shippers and carriers has led logistics service providers and transport operators to develop new intermodal transport services. When the service literature is analyzed, it is found that there are a few studies on the New Service Development (NSD) of specific service industries. However, it is observed that there is a gap in new intermodal service development. That’s why this study aims to explore the stages and determine the common stages in NSD process of intermodal transport. Method: In order to reach this aim, intermodal transport operators and service providers offering intermodal transport services in Turkey are investigated by case study method. This study is the preliminary step for NSD processes in intermodal transport for the current literature. Results: According to the findings, the issues of the human resources have not been paid enough attention during the NSD process. Conclusion: It is concluded that intermodal transport requires more detailed and industry-specific NSD models compared with the other service industries. |
4. | Influence of Variable Acceleration on Parametric Roll Motion of A Container Ship Emre Peşman doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.74946 Pages 205 - 214 Ship operators increase or decrease thrust force of ships to avoid parametric roll motion. These operations cause varying acceleration values. In this study, influence of variable acceleration and deceleration of ships on roll motion is investigated in longitudinal waves. The method which is referred as simple model is utilized for analysis. Simple Model is one degree of freedom nonlinear parametric roll motion equation which contains changing velocity and restoring moment in waves with respect to time. Ship velocities in waves are predicted by XFlow software for various thrust forces. Results indicate that variable acceleration has significant effect on parametric roll phenomenon. |
5. | A Study on Determination of Required Tug Force and Number of Tugs in Port Maneuvers Yusuf Zorba, Selçuk Nas doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.78941 Pages 215 - 234 The main objective of the study is to investigate the use of simulators for the determination of tug forces, the number of tugs and safe maneuvering principals specifying the increasing size of ships and ship traffic impact on the tug forces in terms of maneuvering safety at ports. Formulas and international standards for the determination of required tug forces researched and resistance forces calculated with the helps of these formulas generated by the identified environmental conditions on selected ships. In the second stage, values were compared and tested in the ship maneuvering simulation software under specified environmental conditions. Finally study focused to quantity of tugs for the required tug force. The calculation results of highest effects and forces of environmental factors on the selected ship type and the required tug forces obtained by the simulator program respectively 99%, 83% ve 99% were similar. Additionally, the method of use of tugs and their positions, numbers are also important and these are can be determined by using the simulation programs effectively and safely. Besides, quantity of tugs found 4 and each are at least 50 tons for providing the required tug force according the standarts specified in the literature. In this study, have been reached that planning of arrival operation of ships, determining of the maneuver area and limits, precautions of possible accidents, effects of natural conditions in port area to the ships can properly done with using the simulation software. However, simulation systems were seen as highly important decision support software to the determination of quantity of tug for the required tug force. |
6. | Investigation of Occupational Accidents Occurred in Ports By Using Fuzzy DEMATEL and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methods Ünal Özdemir doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.74936 Pages 235 - 247 In this study causes of occupational accidents occurred in ports, and measures to be taken were discussed in order to reduce or prevent such accidents. In this study, factors have been identified that lead to occupational accidents occurred in ports and have tried to present the alternative solutions can be applied on this issue. Severity of the reasons that led to the accident and relationships with each other identified by using fuzzy DEMATEL (The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory), also to be able to sort through the alternative solutions were made with a model using the fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method approach. According to the results of the study, some of the most important factors causing accidents in ports, has been determined as; "Accidents due to human error," "accidents due to administrative reasons", "accident due to insufficient equipment and improper use of equipment" and "accident depending on working environment and conditions" respectively. Some of the most important alternatives that can bring a solution to this problem have been identified as; "employ permanent staff with adequate training and experience," "making adjustment in working conditions, hours of work and number of employees" and "importance should be given specialization in port". |
7. | Container Port Selection in Contestable Hinterlands Kemal Akbayırlı, Durmuş Ali Deveci, Gökçay Balcı, Ercan Kurtuluş doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.49369 Pages 249 - 265 Port competition has become fiercer day by day because of the developments in hinterland networks, port innovations at port, port privatization policies and the changing specific service expectations of port users. This competitive environment has led to shift the hinterlands from captive to contestable. The customer focus in determining level of service quality and service diversity is crucial to gain share from this contestable and competitive hinterlands. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to determine port selection criteria of port users and develop a model for measuring selection criteria of port users in contestable hinterlands. A confirmatory factor analysis was applied to develop a model for port selection in a contestable hinterland. The model includes 7 main constructs and total 32 criteria. Themodel reveals that competitiveness of ports in contestable hinterlands are not only affected by service based factors but also external ones such as number and frequency of shipping lines calling at port are vital. |
8. | Erratum to JEMS (Journal of ETA Maritime Science), Volume 4, Issue 2 (2016) doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.21043 Pages 267 - 0 Abstract | |