E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Journal of ETA Maritime Science - JEMS Maritime Sci: 6 (2)
Volume: 6  Issue: 2 - 2018
1. Editorial

doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.75547  Pages 83 - 84
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 2018)

Pages 83 - 178
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Experimental Performance Analysis of Partially Loaded a Natural Gas Fuelled Research Engine
Mehmet Çakır
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.42104  Pages 85 - 91
In this study, a single-cylinder research engine was refitted to compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel. The effect of CNG fuel on the engine performance has been examined in different engine loads and speeds in detail. In the single-cylinder test engine, the CNG fuel was injected to intake manifold through the suction time. Performance measurements showed that the effective power is increased with the engine speed increase. The specific fuel consumption decreased as the load increased, but it was seen to increase with the engine speed increase. Similarly, it is seen that volumetric efficiency is about 80% at the low speeds; it is about 65% as the engine speed increase. As a result, the specific research engine at compression ratio 10 was run with CNG fuel, the performance curves were obtained, and performance analysis was carried out successfully. The results show that volumetric efficiency decreases and the fuel consumption increases as speed increases.

4. Modeling of Manufacturing Time and Processes of Karadeniz Type Fishing Boat with Simulating Technique
Murat Özkök, Dursun Saral
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.71602  Pages 93 - 102
In this study, production process of a Black Sea type fishing boat was examined in detail and a model was created in the SIMIO simulation base. With this model, the production period of Black Sea type fishing boat was determined. Subsequently, by changing working hours in the manufacture of boats, the production period of the boats was determined and the effects of working hours on the boats production period were investigated. Consequently, it was observed that every increase in working time did not affect the production of boats, and the effects of regular increases in working hours on the production period of Black Sea type of boats were quantified.

5. Lighteners of Seas: Establishment and Development of Lighthouses in Turkey
Yasemin Nemlioğlu Koca
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.95867  Pages 103 - 117
The lighthouses, which are the most important navigational aids of sailors, have been an element of maritime since ancient times with their activities. They have an important place in the socio-cultural areas such as literature, philosophy and mythology by their abstract meanings; in maritime and urbanism by their architectural and aesthetic designs. The oldest lighthouse being built at Sigeion (Kumkale-Çanakkale) in the 11 ͭ ͪ BC century is a result of Anatolian coast being the oldest sea trade area of the world. With the developments in optical science in the 18 ͭ ͪ century and the intensification of sea trade in the Mediterranean, the number of lighthouses has increased. The first planned construction of lighthouses in Turkey has also in this period. Especially, by the opening of Turkish sea to foreign trade vessels and the intensification of sea trade, the need for lighthouses increased and new lighthouses built in various regions. Fenerler İdare-i Umumiyesi (General Management of Lighthouses Administration), which was established for construction, operation, maintenance and repair of the lighthouses, was an institution transferred from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey. In this study, information about the geographical locations, characteristics and operations of the lighthouses which were constructed in the Ottoman Empire and extant today, were given and explained their historical developments by archives and sources.

6. Evaluation of Critical Operational Faults of Marine Diesel Generator Engines by Using DEMATEL Method
Veysi Başhan, Hakan Demirel
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.24865  Pages 119 - 128
All the electrical demand of ship are provided by diesel generators (DG). Failure of generators due to breakdown can lead to the blackout of the ship which may suddenly cause serious damage to ship’s main and/or auxiliary engines, human health and marine environment or any structure at ship’s route. Thus, the planned maintenance and repairs of the generators must be done properly without any deficiency or delay. And even then, since the generators run continuously failures may often occur. In this context, this paper provides a DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method to evaluate the critical operational faults in marine DGs. The DEMATEL method enables to identify and analysis the important faults of marine DG within the respect to the cause effect relationship diagram. The obtained results of the research will contribute to ship safety at sea and prevention of hazardous machinery effects.

7. Efficiency Analysis of Mediterranean Container Ports
Veysel Gökçek, Yunus Emre Şenol
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.86648  Pages 129 - 140
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the technical efficiency (productivity) of Mediterranean container ports by employing the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. In recent years, maritime transportation volume has been increasing with the trend of trade globalization. This tendency has positive effects on container cargo flows. Accordingly, container terminals have incessant expansions to meet this growing demand. However, before making an investment in the terminal area or handling equipment, efficiency evaluation is required to reveal optimal throughput with the present resources. As the Mediterranean Basin is an important region for container transportation, there should be studies on the efficiency of container terminals in this region. In this study, relative efficiency analysis is conducted for Mediterranean container ports which are on the list of world busiest container ports based on the year 2016 data. The findings show that subjected container terminals can increase their output by 1,47 times without expanding their inputs. Efficiency is slightly increasing from eastern through the western part of this region.

8. Proposing Fuzzy Bow-Tie Method for Assessment of Occupational Risks at Shipyards
Selçuk Çebi, Esra İlbahar
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.30932  Pages 141 - 157
A major part of the ship building process which is one of the heavy industry production has been still done as project type. Ship building industry is one of the most risky sectors based on its activities and occupational injuries. The numbers of the occupational accidents and the results of the occupational injuries prove that urgent measurements should be taken for ship building industry. In this paper, an integrated risk assessment method including fuzzy sets, rule based inference system, analytic hierarchy process, and bow-tie technique has been proposed to literature in order to consider and reduce occupational risks at shipyards. Bow-tie technique is widely preferred to use for analysis of occupational risks at workplace. The method is used to analyze the key factors that cause the occurrence of a risk, and it is also used to analyze the consequences of a risk. In the scope of this study, unlike the literature, the bow tie technique has been combined with the fuzzy inference system. When an accident occurs, there is a possibility that a variety of different situations may outcome, and only one of these possibilities occurs. However, the current risk assessment methods only consider the severity of the most likely outcome to predict risk magnitude. In this paper, with the proposed approach, the magnitudes of occupational risks are obtained by considering all the possibility outcomes of a potential accident, different from the current methods. The proposed approach has been applied to ship building process, the possible risks have been analyzed, the risky activities have been ranked, and preventions have been proposed to reduce risk levels.

9. A risk based decision making approach for critical ship operations
Kadir Çiçek, Yusuf İlker Topcu
doi: 10.5505/jems.2018.28199  Pages 159 - 177
The safety and performance parameters of merchant vessels, which are the focus elements in the sustainable maritime transportation, need to be followed precisely. Parallel to this, international rules enforcements on the environment, safety and human health on maritime transportation are increasingly concentrated nowadays. One of the most up-to-date rules in this concept is compulsory risk assessment on ships which is made mandatory by means of a reference in International Safety Management Code. Therefore, it is necessary for ship management companies to support their safety management systems with a risk assessment methodology capable on assessment of ship, personnel and environment based risk. At this insight, this study proposes a risk-based decision making approach for operational and managerial processes in ship fleet management. The proposed approach has an integrated structure in which fault tree analysis and the evidential reasoning approach are used together. It is also supported with fuzzy logic to remove the lack of information and uncertainty of operational and managerial processes. The model is applied one of the critical shipboard operations; bunkering operation. The application results show that the model can produce a sensitive and efficient solution to ship operational risks.

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