E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Journal of ETA Maritime Science - JEMS Maritime Sci: 4 (1)
Volume: 4  Issue: 1 - 2016
1. Editorial
Selçuk Nas
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.65365  Pages 1 - 2
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 2016)

Pages 1 - 102
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Contribution of the Pilotage Services to Maritime Safety: An Analysis of the Relation Between Ships Involved in Accidents in the Strait of İstanbul and Whether If They Used Pilotage Services
Nur Jale Ece
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.03522  Pages 3 - 21

4. Objectives and Outcomes of Maritime Pilotage Services, the Role and the Importance of the Maritime Pilot on the Bridge
Ali Cömert
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.02886  Pages 23 - 30

5. An Explorative Research on the Fatigue Management for Pilots: Turkey’s Perspective
Barış Kuleyin, Volkan Fidan, Erdem Kan
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.36035  Pages 31 - 47

6. The Impact of Distance and Narrow Waterway on Voyage Cost: Cost Formulation and an Implementation on Dry Bulk Carrier
Sercan Erol
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.00719  Pages 49 - 59

7. The Impacts of Maritime Piracy Incidents in The Gulf of Aden on Turkish and World Maritime Trade
Muhammet Aydın, Nebi Gedik, Özkan Uğurlu, Umut Yıldırım
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.24633  Pages 61 - 71

8. Dry Port Location Problem: A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Approach
Fatimazahra Bentaleb, Charif Mabrouki, Alami Semma
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.81300  Pages 73 - 90

9. The Determination of the Number of Tugboats in the Area of Towage Service Authorization by Using Simulation Modelling Technique
Selçuk Nas, Emin Deniz Özkan, Emre Uçan
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.36744  Pages 91 - 99

10. The 1st Maritime Pilotage/Towage Services and Technologies Congress
Adnan Parlak
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.33042  Page 101
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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