E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Journal of ETA Maritime Science - JEMS Maritime Sci: 4 (1)
Volume: 4  Issue: 1 - 2016
1. Editorial
Selçuk Nas
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.65365  Pages 1 - 2
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 2016)

Pages 1 - 102
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Contribution of the Pilotage Services to Maritime Safety: An Analysis of the Relation Between Ships Involved in Accidents in the Strait of İstanbul and Whether If They Used Pilotage Services
Nur Jale Ece
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.03522  Pages 3 - 21
This study was performed to investigate how pilotage contributes to maritime safety, how competition in pilotage services caused many accidents by examining global experiences, to analyse the accidents occured in the Strait of İstanbul during the period between1982-2014 by using the statistical methods Chi Square Analysis (χ2) and Cramer’s V Test in order to show that ships without pilots caused most of the accidents. Maritime regime and traffic of the Strait of İstanbul were examined and a literature review on the accidents in the Strait was conducted in the study. This study concludes that using pilotage services reduces and the competition in pilotage services increases the number of accidents and ships without engagement of pilots cause most of the accidents in the Strait of Istanbul during the subject period as per the facts gathered by analysis. A general evaluation was conducted and further required measures and suggestions are proposed on pilotage services and encouraging the use of pilots on board ships to ensure safety navigation and environmment.

4. Objectives and Outcomes of Maritime Pilotage Services, the Role and the Importance of the Maritime Pilot on the Bridge
Ali Cömert
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.02886  Pages 23 - 30
This study aims to determine objectives and outcomes of maritime pilotage services, which are an important element to provide safety of navigation in the world and in our country, on the basis of current practice. In order to better understand the services given by the maritime pilots, it is required to understand correctly the role and the importance of the maritime pilots on the bridge. This study has been carried out in order to describe the position of the maritime pilotage services and the maritime pilots within the maritime activities, according to the related legislation, maritime practices and the expectations of the maritime industry and the related community. All aspects and measures must be considered to maintain and improve the standards related to the pilotage services using all available resources and ship masters, owners and operators and all other relevant parties should be encouraged to use and be aware of the benefits of the pilotage services.

5. An Explorative Research on the Fatigue Management for Pilots: Turkey’s Perspective
Barış Kuleyin, Volkan Fidan, Erdem Kan
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.36035  Pages 31 - 47
INTRODUCTION: The aim of Pilots is assisting Ship Masters in safe navigation and managements of ships at the particular regions they are in charge of. With a broader definition, pilots, who are well aware about the environmental and natural conditions of the regions they are assigned and thus capable of assisting ship masters to accomplish safe berthing and unberthing, are in charge of preventing probable accidents resulting with damages to life, property and environment. Therefore it is of vital importance for pilots to perceive the elements of situational awareness of the activities they are involved in very well and to not be fatigued neither mentally nor phsically. This research aims to explore the working conditions, social and cultural activities that are most likely to affect the levels of fatique experienced by pilots as well as the measures to be taken.
METHODS: The data collecting instrument for this research has been established by adopting a study carried out by Rhodes and Gil (2002) for Canadian pilots. The overall population of this research has been determined as the Turkish pilots, but no sampling has been applied. The data received form the pilots have been analyzed by using frequency, variance and independent sampling t-test analyses.
RESULTS: The study has revealed the main aspects affecting fatique negatively such as the working hours, overtime working, the tasks causing fatique and the methods used to prevent it.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Taking the findings into consideration, certain proposals, through the Turkey’s perspectives, have been developed. This research is considered to be an important initiation encouraging further steps towards analyzing the fatique management for pilots providing pilotage services in Turkey.

6. The Impact of Distance and Narrow Waterway on Voyage Cost: Cost Formulation and an Implementation on Dry Bulk Carrier
Sercan Erol
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.00719  Pages 49 - 59
This paper investigates the impact of distance and narrow waterway factors on voyage costs. The data set is taken from a Turk shipping company and consists of real dates. In the study, it was seen that the fuel consumption rate of the ships whose routes are narrow waterways such as straits and canals was higher for the fact that the vessels have to maneuver more on such routes. On the contrary, ships which sailed on the open seas consumed lower fuel. At the end of the study, it was determined that of bunker cost rates caused by the impact of these geographical factors could increase up to 30 percent among the total amount of voyage costs.

7. The Impacts of Maritime Piracy Incidents in The Gulf of Aden on Turkish and World Maritime Trade
Muhammet Aydın, Nebi Gedik, Özkan Uğurlu, Umut Yıldırım
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.24633  Pages 61 - 71
Pirate attacks in Gulf of Aden which is an important role in maritime trade not only affects maritime trade of the region, but it has also serious effects on world maritime trade. Pirate attacks are occurred which were firstly aimed to fight against foreign fishing vessels and afterwards, other ship types were included. In this research, it was aimed to examine effects of pirate actions at Gulf of Aden on world maritime trade. In this respect, approach, attack, pirate and disrupted (the ships being attacked release after the valuable cargos was taken) events classified by Somali report of NATO at 2013 were correlated with ransom, insurance, re-routing ships and security (keeping to security personnel/ armed man and safety equipment on board ships) costs reported in UNCTAD in 2014. For the analysis of the data, correlation analysis and Spearman's rho analysis were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 software.
According to results of the study, approach and pirated actions have statistically significant effect on ransom, insurance, re-routing and naval costs, whereas there was not significant correlation with security costs. Attack and disrupting actions were found to have only significant effect on security costs, and no significant correlation with other cost parameters.

8. Dry Port Location Problem: A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Approach
Fatimazahra Bentaleb, Charif Mabrouki, Alami Semma
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.81300  Pages 73 - 90
Choosing a location for a dry port is a problem which becomes more essential and crucial. This study deals with the problem of locating dry ports. On this matter, a model combining multi-criteria (MACBETH) and mono-criteria (BARYCENTER) methods to find a solution to dry port location problem has been proposed. In the first phase, a systematic literature review was carried out on dry port location problem and then a methodological classification was presented for this research. In the second phase, a hybrid multi-criteria approach was developed in order to determine the best dry port location taking different criteria into account. A Computational practice and a qualitative analysis from a case study in the Moroccan context have been provided. The results show that the optimal location is very convenient with the geographical region and the government policies.

9. The Determination of the Number of Tugboats in the Area of Towage Service Authorization by Using Simulation Modelling Technique
Selçuk Nas, Emin Deniz Özkan, Emre Uçan
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.36744  Pages 91 - 99
Due to quite high initial investment costs of an organization which will provide towage service, the determination of number, type and bollard pull of tugboats which will provide the level of service determined in accordance with the dimensions of the authorization area is quite important for investments in terms of efficiency. Although there are more than needed tugboats in a specific authorization area due to the free competition, it is possible that service providers entering the new market may increase their competitive power by analyzing the statistical data of sea traffic and by retaining the optimum number of tugboats. This study focuses on the number of tugboats only. A simulation model has been developed which can analyze the stochastic effect of independent variables related to marine traffic in a generic port on dependent variables related to the number of tugboats. Promodel 2011 program was used in simulation modelling. The obtained data were analyzed by Stat: Fit program. As a result, a simulation model has been developed which can determine the required number of tugboats in authorization areas and can be applied in every field.

10. The 1st Maritime Pilotage/Towage Services and Technologies Congress
Adnan Parlak
doi: 10.5505/jems.2016.33042  Page 101
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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