E-ISSN: 2148-9386
Journal of ETA Maritime Science - JEMS Maritime Sci: 2 (1)
Volume: 2  Issue: 1 - 2014
1. Editorial

Page V

2. Fuzzy Based Risk Analysis for OffShore Petroleum Platforms
Nagihan Türkoğlu, Ayhan Menteş
Pages 1 - 10

3. Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 2014)

Pages 1 - 80
Abstract |Full Text PDF

4. Cold Ironing Method; An Application of Marport Terminal
Nurullah Hakan Pekşen, Duygu Yıldırım Pekşen, Aykut Ölçer
Pages 11 - 30

5. Efficiency Standards of Electric Motors
A. Aydın Ercan
Pages 31 - 40

6. Analysis from Statistical Perspective of Deficiencies Originated From the Bridge Causing Ship Accidents
Tuba Keçeci, Özcan Arslan
Pages 41 - 46

7. Evaluation of Health and Safety Conditions for Seafarers: An Example in DEU Maritime Faculty
Barış Kuleyin, Burak Köseoğlu, Ali Cemal Töz
Pages 47 - 60

8. Analysis of Effects of Methods Applied to Increase the Efficiency on Ships for Reducing CO2 Emissions
Ali Atıl Talay, Cengiz Deniz, Yalçın Durmuşoğlu
Pages 61 - 74

9. Decision Support Systems: Usage And Applications In Logistics Services
Eyüp Akçetin, Nilüfer Yurtay, Yüksel Yurtay, Emin Öztürk, Alper Kılıç
Pages 75 - 80

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